Winners of the chairman’s award for 2019 was presented to our Farnham Rd site – congratulations to Shabesan and his team for all their hard work


The sun shone brightly for the Park Garage Group’s annual cricket day at Addiscombe Cricket Club in Croydon, south London, last week. It is the fifth time the Top 50 Indie has held the event – as a thank you to everyone involved with the business – and each time has been a scorching hot day.

The event was sponsored by Aryzta, Washtec, Bestway, DSL and TSG; with Tates supplying the team T-shirts and the trophies being supplied by Valero. Aryzta was the winning team of the day.

Operations director Hemant Tandon said:

“It was a brilliant opportunity for all PGG commission operators, plus head-office staff – along with our suppliers – to meet each other and have a fun-filled day of cricket and fantastic food throughout the day.

The recipient of the chairman’s award for 2019 was presented to our Farnham Rd site – congratulations to Shabesan and his team for all their hard work. And well done to all sites who won awards on the day.”


The other winners of the day were

Operations Director award 2019 (Waqas Ayub – Elbury Park Site)
Area Managers award South – ( Kanagaseelan Kanagasingham – Ewell Site
Area Managers awards Southeast  sites – Annamalai Sritharan – Manor Park
Area Managers award North -Ahsan Hussain  Leverhulme site
PGG special recognition award 2019 – Tony Perkins BDO